City Key Projects|The completion ceremony of Shishi Honor International Hotel is grandly held!

2019-10-04 16:34:57
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Summary:On the morning of September 29, the completion ceremony of the Shishi Honor International Hotel project was held!

  On the morning of September 29, the completion ceremony of the Shishi Honor International Hotel project was held! Zhu Qiping, Secretary of the CPC Shishi Municipal Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Huang Chunhui, Mayor of the Municipal People’s Government, Chairman of the Shishi CPPCC Forest Self-education, four sets of leaders of the city, various units directly under the city, Hubin Street leader, Hu Lianrong, Chairman of the Board of Honor International Group, Hu Hairong, Vice Chairman and President of Honor International Group, Ms. Hou Diyi, Vice Chairman of the Board of Honor International Group, and other group directors, personnel of the construction unit of China Construction Strait Construction Development Co., Ltd. and the society Friends from all walks of life attended the completion ceremony.

  The Shishi Honor International Hotel project held a completion ceremony. Leaders of Shishi City and Honor International Group jointly cut the ribbon for the completion of the project.

  Speech by Mr. Hu Lianrong, Chairman of the Board of Directors of Honor International Group  
The Shishi Honor International Hotel project invested more than 600 million yuan by Honor International Group. The flagship model store of the Shishi aircraft carrier, which has been honed in ten years, is a key project of our city. Located in the core hinterland of Shishi City, it is quiet in downtown, surrounded by mountains and the sea, and convenient transportation. It covers an area of ​​32 mu, with a total construction area of ​​about 150,000 square meters and a height of 100 meters. It is designed and constructed in accordance with the national five-star hotel standards. , Is a high-end hotel complex integrating banquets, conferences, accommodation, food, health, sports, leisure and entertainment. The hotel covers the largest indoor 360-degree revolving restaurant in Asia, with a ceiling height of 6 meters, which can accommodate nearly 500 people, 2000 square meters, a ceiling height of 11 meters, a super large banquet hall with 150 tables, and 71 luxurious Chinese dining boxes. 319 rooms of version 4.0, Shishi’s most popular Hong Kong-style breakfast, lunch, and evening tea, more than 70 KTV entertainment clubs, more than 7000 square meters of fitness center, heated swimming pool, sky garden, basketball court, tennis court, table tennis, billiards It is worth mentioning that the hotel has a central kitchen with a layout of more than 2,000 square meters. All of them are stoves, and their specifications are hard to beat in the hotel industry in Quanzhou. The huge seafood pool, with all kinds of seafood and a dazzling array, makes people feel like they are in the aquarium. Here is like a strong "heart", ensuring the food and beverage supply of the entire hotel.

  Asia's largest 360-degree revolving view buffet restaurant

  Honor International Banquet Hall

   The leaders of the four groups of Shishi City visited the Shishi Honor International Hotel  
Hu Lianrong, chairman of the board of directors of Honor International Group, said: "Shishi is a hot spot for entrepreneurship. It has given us 30 years of development opportunities. We will reward Shishi with an international five-star hotel. We will carry forward the spirit of craftsmanship and strive to honor Shishi. The international hotel has become a benchmark in the industry, established a model store, and laid a solid foundation for the national layout of the honor brand. The management of the Shishi Honor International Hotel is in line with international standards, and the higher level of foreign reception capabilities will become a beautiful display of the Shishi people. Business card.

  The leaders of the four groups of Shishi City visited Shishi Honor International Hotel

  At present, Shishi is accelerating the development of a global tourist city. The completion of Shishi Honor International Hotel will actively integrate into the pattern of Shishi "Mountain and Sea City". As a new landmark of the city, it is closely integrated with the city’s business, tourism and culture to make this beautiful The charming coastal city becomes more exciting and more suitable for business and living. "(Chen Shangjun)

  Group photo of board members of Honor International Group and Shishi Honor International Hotel management

  Real view of Shishi Honor International Hotel