Gong Jianhua, Secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee Meets with Hu Lianrong, Chairman of Honor Hotel Group

2011-11-26 00:00:00
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Summary:On the morning of November 17, Gong Jianhua, secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee, met with Honorary Hotel Group Chairman Hu Lianrong and his party, and Vice Mayor

  On the morning of November 17, Gong Jianhua, secretary of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee, met with Honorary Hotel Group Chairman Hu Lianrong and his party, and Vice Mayor Wei Ping attended the meeting.

  During the meeting, Gong Jianhua welcomed Hu Lianrong and his entourage on behalf of the municipal party committee and the municipal government, and then introduced the situation of Fuzhou City. Gong Jianhua said that Fuzhou is the "hometown of talented scholars". Throughout the ages, many famous Confucian masters have appeared in the history of Fuzhou. Two of the eight great masters of the Tang and Song Dynasties are Fuzhou people, who have profound historical background and a good cultural environment. Fuzhou is known as the "Ganfu Granary" and is a national regional commercial grain base. It is located in the Ganfu Plain. The land is fertile, suitable for planting and breeding, and has distinctive agricultural characteristics. Fuzhou is located in the hinterland of the Haixi Economic Zone. The construction of the Haixi Economic Zone has been upgraded to a national strategy. As a member of the Haixi Economic Zone, Fuzhou is facing new opportunities for accelerating development. It is also an opportunity for companies investing and developing in Fuzhou. It is hoped that Fuzhou entrepreneurs abroad will return to their hometowns to start their own businesses and contribute to the economic development of Fuzhou. Especially with the continuous improvement of traffic conditions and the upcoming opening of the Xiangpu Railway, Fuzhou’s location advantages have become more and more obvious. Fuzhou has huge development potential and is an ideal place for investment. Fuzhou is a livable and business-friendly city. The investment environment has been comprehensively improved and optimized, and a good atmosphere of pro-business, safe business, and business protection has been formed. Fuzhou has always attached importance to entrepreneurship and supported enterprise development. At the same time, Fuzhou has beautiful mountains and clear waters, fresh air, and excellent ecological environment. It is particularly suitable for living and is a treasure land suitable for living and business. Gong Jianhua hopes to pay more attention to Fuzhou, care about Fuzhou, and introduce friends to Fuzhou for sightseeing and investment.

  Chairman Hu Lianrong and his party expressed gratitude to the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government for their warm and thoughtful reception and arrangements. Hu Lianrong said that as an entrepreneur from Fuzhou, he is very proud to see the great changes in his hometown and has a strong desire to return home to invest. In the future, we will actively respond to the goals of the Fuzhou Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government to build a solid, civilized, harmonious and happy Fuzhou and the specific measures to fight the "three major battles", and contribute to the development of our hometown. The purpose of this trip is to come to Fuzhou to find business opportunities, introduce more businessmen to Fuzhou to investigate and invest, and contribute to the construction of a happy Fuzhou.

  During his stay in Fu, Chairman Hu Lianrong and his entourage inspected the Jinchao Economic Development Zone planning exhibition hall, industrial exhibition hall and some industrial enterprises, and visited urban construction projects such as the Celebrity Sculpture Park, Menghu and Mengyuan