Unite to welcome the national inspection, watch and help each other to win five stars

2012-05-25 00:00:00
Browse volume:

Summary:At 2 p.m. on May 25th, a grand meeting of "Unite to Welcome National Inspection, Watch and Help to Pick Five Stars" was held in the banquet hall on the second floor of the hotel. Director Qiu

  At 2 pm on May 25, a grand meeting of "Unite to Welcome National Inspection, Watch and Help to Pick Five Stars" was held in the banquet hall on the second floor of the hotel.

  Director Qiu of the Municipal Tourism Bureau, hotel general manager, executives and all employees attended the conference. At present, the hotel is at the critical moment of creating a national "five-star" hotel. The inspection and acceptance of the National Star Judge will soon be ushered in. We must attach great importance to it, go all out, meticulous, and standardized. Through this mobilization, all the staff of the hotel made a clear statement and will actively and earnestly invest in the spirit of being a master, and do a good job in various star reviews. Director Qiu of the Municipal Tourism Bureau, general manager of the hotel, and heads of various departments respectively made mobilization speeches.