Honor Hotel Group External banquet expert

2012-07-10 00:00:00
Browse volume:

Summary:Whenever the wedding and birthday are celebrated, there is always a banquet for the guests. If you choose to set up a banquet in your own home, you can not only show the host’s hospitality,

  Whenever the wedding and birthday are celebrated, there is always a banquet for the guests. If you choose to set up a banquet in your own home, you can not only show the host’s hospitality, but also add to the lively atmosphere of the family. But for banquets at home, I don’t have so good craftsmanship, and I don’t have so many supporting facilities, let alone provide a professional and thoughtful service for family and friends. The external banquet service launched by Honor Hotel Group has successfully hosted hundreds of large external banquets ranging from dozens to thousands of tables. The superb gold medal chef team headed by the disciple of the world's imperial chef Mr. Yang Guanyi and the group director and chef Hu Manrong is the guarantee of the quality of honorable dishes. While ensuring the quality of the dishes, it can also provide you with meticulous, professional and considerate five-star hotel high-standard and high-quality services. If you want to take home a top-notch gourmet feast, or if you want to experience the services of a five-star hotel without leaving home, Honor Hotel Group will surely give you a perfect experience and a good memory.

  With just a phone call, you can share the festive moments with your family and friends at home, and at the same time feel the high-level service of the five-star hotel, and truly move the five-star hotel home!

  Tel: 13905989711 Mr. Li 15959980683 Miss Ou