Honor Hotel Group won the top ten most craftsmanship enterprises in 2016

2017-02-23 00:00:00
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Summary:The 2016 Quanzhou Economy is co-sponsored by the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Economic and Information

  The 2016 Quanzhou Economy is co-sponsored by the Municipal Party Committee Propaganda Department, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Economic and Information Commission, the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, the Municipal Housing and Construction Bureau, the Municipal Finance Bureau, the Municipal Federation of Industry and Commerce (General Chamber of Commerce), the Municipal Union Press, and the Quanzhou Evening News Agency. The annual summit of the annual meeting was held at the Haisi International Center on the 4th floor of the Quanzhou Haisi International Center at 2:30 pm on February 10, 2017! Honor Hotel Group was awarded the 2016 Top Ten Most Enriched Craftsmanship Enterprises.

  Chen Tiehan, Member of the Standing Committee of the Quanzhou Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee, delivered a speech

  Member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Director of the Propaganda Department of the Municipal Party Committee Chen Tiehan, Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress Zhu Tuanneng, Deputy Mayor of the Municipal Government Lu Gang, and Vice Chairman of the CPPCC Lin Zhijian were selected as the annual economic figure, "Fresh Fujian·Haisi Quanzhou" annual top ten charms Small towns, annual "City Contribution Charm" model projects, annual top ten maker projects, annual top ten most craftsman spirit enterprises, annual top ten smart city construction outstanding applications, annual top ten foreign chambers of commerce and other projects will be awarded.


  In the 2016 Quanzhou "Top Ten Most Enriched Craftsmanship Enterprises" appraisal, the honor hotel was generally recognized by the society and stood out from many participating companies and won the honor.



  Over the past 16 years, Honor Hotel has always regarded the craftsman spirit of high quality and low price, excellence, and every dish and service as the foundation of supporting enterprise development.




  The craftsman spirit can carry the prosperity of a century-old shop. Hu Lianrong, chairman of the Honor Group, said that Honor Brand will continue to innovate management methods, seize opportunities, diligently cultivate internal skills, develop with great concentration, accumulate and accumulate, continuously enhance the value of honor brand, build an outstanding Chinese national hotel brand, and continuously stimulate corporate innovation and creativity. The spirit of enterprise craftsmanship has realized the strategic goal of Honor Group to build "100 branches, tens of billions of industries, and a century-old brand".